Every time you step into your vehicle, you are aware that you are putting yourself at some level of risk that you might be in an accident. However, you are also protected by the car around you and the safety features that are part of…
After an auto accident, it can be tough to think of what to do and react quickly to protect yourself, start the recovery process and ensure that you and the other parties involved are not seriously injured. However, because there are six million car accidents…
After an auto accident, there are many different things that are running through your head. This is particularly true if you or someone else in your car is injured and you need to worry about medical care. It’s important to know what information needs to…
Motorcycle riders in Maryland are many in number, but they are also often at an elevated risk of being in an accident. Because motorcycle drivers are not protected by the structure of their vehicle like car drivers are, it can put them at an increased…
In the aftermath of an auto accident, emotions can run high and it’s difficult to know the best path forward. Working with an experienced attorney is one way to ensure that you receive what you deserve if you are one of the many auto accident…
Life estates without powers are a tool for Medicaid planning, probate avoidance and tax efficiency, but there are potential problems to look out for. Knowing the implications and risks of a life estate is essential in determining whether it is appropriate for your situation. What…
As we enter the giving season, there is an additional reason to be charitable. Congress enacted a special provision that allows more people to easily deduct up to $300 in donations to qualifying charities this year. Since the increase in the standard income tax deduction…
There are some situations where a “simple will” is not enough. Instead, an attorney may suggest you use a Trust, of which there are two basic categories: testamentary and inter vivos. A testamentary trust is one created by your Will, and it does not come…
There are many unknowns when planning an estate, but you can’t let the uncertainties get in the way of creating any kind of plan. Having an imperfect plan is usually better than having no plan at all.
David Bowersox, a partner with Hoffman, Comfort, Offutt, Scott, & Halstad in Westminster, was asked to comment on one’s legal rights when defending yourself in your own home. Bowersox states, in Maryland, people are generally expected to retreat and avoid the threat, unlike many other…