In their first annexation approval in several years, the Mayor and Common Council of the City of Westminster approved the annexation and zoning of property for a new prototype Sheetz convenience store.

The annexation approval occurred at a hearing conducted as part of the Council’s July 13, 2015, meeting. Representing the applicants was attorney Dave Bowersox of our office.

The result of the decision will be the inclusion of more than 8 additional acres within the corporate limits of the city on the east side of town along Md. Rte. 140.

Bowersox questioned a staff report made available to the applicants just a few days prior to the hearing. The report included proposed conditions for the annexation first mentioned—regarding a deed for part of the applicant’s property for a future potential widening of Md. Rte. 140 to the State Highway Administration. Along with the report was the execution of an additional Annexation Agreement with the city prior to annexation approval.

In arguing that the proposed deed to the state was premature, Bowersox said, “We don’t know the extent of what’s happening with the property.” He also mentioned his clients are reluctant to leave 15-feet of land for possible road expansion when the project may change over time.

Instead, Bowersox suggested that the matter be handled in the traditional course and that any road conveyances be made only after Sheetz submitted a site plan which the State Highway Administration along with other state and local agencies.

Agencies could then review in order to better determine just what the needs for highway improvements really are. This allows the annexation approval to move forward and Sheetz to begin preparation of a site plan to submit for review and approval immediately.

The Council unanimously approved the annexation and zoning without the challenged conditions.

You can read more about the annexation and Bowersox’s involvement in the process by visiting the Carroll County Times article here:

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